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Apon Alo, a primary school founded in 2017 with a current enrollment of 70 students, educates underprivileged and homeless children living in the Rayer Bazar slums. The school meals that Thrive provides to Apon Alo take some of the burden off families and help the school increase enrollment.

High Expectations

With a vision “to educate today’s children for tomorrow’s world,” Apon Alo pursues academic excellence with high expectations, a challenging curriculum, and excellent teaching. Apon Alo provides an environment where each child is encouraged to discover and develop their individual talents and establish a strong sense of self, whatever their interests. The children thrive in this environment, as they are allowed to pursue their passions and build self-esteem in a safe place.

Teachers Who Inspire

We recently asked the students at Apon Alo to tell us about their teachers, and many of them talked about their beloved teacher Savita. With a great teacher like Savita, the children feel supported and safe to be themselves. “Savita loves us a lot and teaches us with great care,” says Maria, in class 4. “She always stands by us in danger. I love her so much. I hope my teacher will always be good and healthy. I want to be a teacher like her.” Perhaps the best compliment of all!